
 Joan was born in Liverpool in 1931. The youngest  of seven sisters brought up in Liverpool's Chinatown.  Sadly few are still alive to remember the mayhem and confusion caused by the Loi twins -  Joan and her identical twin Jean as they grew up together. 

Joan met her husband Ken in Recce’s Ballroom and they married in July 1955. Sadly they were together for only twelve years . Ken died young leaving Joan with three young children to bring up: Stephanie, Jaqueline and Jeremy.

Very early on Joan’s talent for sewing was discovered, and this led to her first job on leaving school in the tailoring trade.  This provided the foundation  for Joan’s  later success  in making a wedding dress for herself and many others.

Her talents with a needle are also visible in  many of the hangings in St Michael’s in the City. A church she attended and served on the Parochial Church Council until she gave up driving.

Community meant a lot to Joan and many will remember her success in organising many Chinese New Year and Autumn Festival parties for the Anglo Chinese Society In Liverpool.

A familiar sight out and about in Huyton and Belle Vale Village was Joan , shopping with her dog . Tilly the little Yorkie cross breed who accompanied her everywhere  and had a lively character to match that of her owner. 

Through out her life Joan took care with her appearance,  colour coordinating her outfits and looking her best at every outing. She often surprised people with how old she was.

Joan had many strong memories of her childhood and growing up. She lived through the blitz near the Angelicin cathedral and had  many interesting and amusing  stories  to tell.  Her reminiscences have been well documented and will serve as a memorial to her and all those who lived the difficulties of those growing up during the war.

She died peacefully in her sleep on 14 July 2021 after a period of failing health.

She is survived by three children and her two granddaughters.


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